Inspiration Unlocked: Strategies for Content Creators to Go from Blank Page to Inspired Creation
Crafting content can sometimes resemble the rehearsals for a magnificent show, with inspiration playing the role of a very unreliable dance partner. As a former professional ballerina, I've danced through the highs and lows of creative energy, learning that, much like in the world of ballet, "the show must go on." I want to share with you a few stories from my career as a ballet dancer and offer some tips to help you find your rhythm and bring your creative visions to life, even on those uninspired days.
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Ignite Your Creative Flame: Tips from a Ballerina
You are on top with your scheduling, you have a specific day to create your content and when the day comes, all feelings inside you come to the surface BUT inspiration. As pumped as we can be, sometimes writing blogs, and creating posts or videos can take time and a little help.
Even from our surroundings. Nothing is ever created from a click of a finger.
For many years I've danced as a professional ballerina, I'm well aware of the feeling of not being inspired. Throughout my career, I always heard the famous saying "The show must go on''.
And I certainly experienced it too.
In show biz, It didn’t matter how you felt inside. If you were having a good or bad day, if the theater was cold or hot, or you just had an argument with your dance partner. You had to put aside those feelings and you stepped on stage with a smile on.
To serve a bigger purpose: Entertain your audience sitting in the auditorium. Thousands of people watching the show, relying on you to have a good time and be transported to a magical world.
It’s not a choice, it’s a responsibility.
So… How do we create that inspiring world for ourselves? How can we gather our thoughts and channel our energy to create helpful social media content, courses and classes for our people when we are uninspired?
Designing Your Creative Sanctuary
Discover how to create a personal sanctuary that invites creativity and helps you focus, transforming any space into a source of inspiration.
I still remember a vivid moment before a show: A very technical dance piece, and at that time, an out-of-my-comfort-zone kind of style.
Raked stage, which is the hardest floor for a dancer to twirl on pointe. I got told I was going on stage at the very last minute possible, with very little coaching to cover an injured dancer.
The director & choreographer were in the audience waiting for me to do something stupid, considering we had an "interesting" not-so-empowering conversation during the rehearsal that day.
Not to mention that I had a pretty bad back injury myself! But I was (obviously) less important and disposable than the other dancer… You can imagine my state of mind!
I get in the changing room.
Tiny, tiny, tiny room for two people. My dear friend Lucy is sharing the room with me. She's nervous too and she's warming up. Every sound and movement she makes irritates me. I'm doing my make-up and hair.
At one point, during her swinging leg warm-up, she kicked me.
That was it. I called it. Before killing her or getting into a nonsense argument, I took a big breath, gathered my stuff and left the room.
I found a dark quiet spot at the back of the stage to warm up.
I could hear the chatter of the audience on the other side of the curtain and it became a white noise in the background that helped me quiet my mind, find peace and focus for the show. Especially do my best for my audience.
Now, working from home it’s very different. But that experience taught me how I can deal with stress, how to focus and how to be as productive as possible without distractions.
Yes, I still have my special quiet corner.
I call it the play room. I write and work sitting or stretching in a split on the floor, on my colorful rugs, my cat sitting on my notes, salt lamps and candles around the room. When I'm here I don’t force my creativity. I look around and I Iet it come to me.
By the way Lucy and I are still very good friends ๐
Actionable Tips:
- Identify a space in your home that calms your mind and stimulates your senses. Personalize it with items that spark joy and creativity, such as colorful rugs, salt lamps, or even the comforting presence of a pet.
- Use this space exclusively for brainstorming and creating, allowing it to become a trigger for your creativity.
The Symphony of Creativity: Harnessing the Power of Music
Explore the transformative power of music in setting the tone for your creative sessions and how different sounds can align with your content themes.
Music has always played an important role in my life. I get transported by it. Depending on what I need to achieve, I have a special soundtrack that accompanies my day. Just like a film or a show, everything I do has “tunes” in the background: for workouts, meditation, writing, a glass of wine with friends and even gardening. Music can help you find your rhythm for what you need to achieve. Music creates memories. Play around with it. I’m sure there is a special soundtrack for each moment of your day.
Actionable Tips:
- Curate playlists that match the mood or theme of the content you're creating. Let the music guide your emotional and creative output.
- Experiment with different genres and rhythms to find what best stimulates your creative process.
Stepping Outside: Finding Inspiration in the Wild
Step out of your comfort zone and find inspiration in unexpected places, learn the value of new experiences. Sometimes inspiration doesn't come from the usual spot, but from places or people you would never expect.
Have you thought about going for a random walk somewhere around where you live?
Or in nature, in a park seeing how people and nature connect?
What about having a conversation with a stranger?
Maybe your next great idea comes from a very unexpected place/person?
We often do the same thing and expect different results. It's time to do something different and outside of your comfort zone too. See what comes out of it. Different points of view might be the best thing you ever did for your burst of creativity.
Just to help you out, here are several activities that can spark inspiration. Which one are you going to try?
- Visit a Museum or Art Gallery: Immersing yourself in different forms of art can stimulate new ideas and perspectives for your content.
- Attend a Workshop or Seminar in a New Field: Learning about topics unrelated to your usual content can provide fresh insights and innovative approaches to your work.
- Explore a New Hobby: Whether it's pottery, cooking classes, or learning a musical instrument, engaging in a new hobby can unlock creative thinking and offer new content angles.
- Travel to a New Location: Even if it's just a day trip to a nearby town or city, changing your environment can lead to unexpected discoveries and ideas.
- Read a Book Outside Your Comfort Zone: Pick a genre you normally wouldn't read. The different storytelling styles and themes can inspire new content ideas.
- Volunteer for a Cause You Care About: Giving your time to help others can provide meaningful experiences to share and discuss in your content.
- Spend a Day Technology-Free: Disconnecting from digital devices for a day can help clear your mind, allowing for a natural flow of ideas. Here’s a blog post that can help you unwind.
- Practice Mindfulness or Meditation in a Quiet Space: These practices can help you tap into your inner thoughts and feelings, potentially uncovering hidden ideas.
- Join a Community Event or Festival: Experiencing the energy of a community gathering can offer insights into human interactions and cultural trends, enriching your content.
- Take a Creative Writing or Improv Class: Engaging in activities that push your expressive boundaries can enhance your creativity and provide new content narratives.
- Sketch or Paint in a Scenic Location: Even if you're not an artist, visually interpreting your surroundings can open up new pathways of thinking and inspiration.
- Listen to Podcasts from Diverse Fields: Exposing yourself to different viewpoints and subjects can spark ideas for your own content creation.
- Start a 'Day in the Life' Photo Challenge: Documenting your day with photos can help you notice interesting details of your daily environment that might inspire content.
- Cook a New Recipe from a Different Culture: The process of exploring culinary arts can inspire creativity and introduce you to new cultural perspectives.
- Write Letters to Friends or Family: The reflective process of writing personal letters can bring to the surface emotions and ideas that translate into compelling content. I write about how to find ideas for your content in this guide here
Actionable Tips:
- Make it a habit to change your environment regularly, whether it's a walk in nature, a visit to a new coffee shop, or a conversation with a stranger.
- Approach these outings with an open mind, ready to capture any sparks of inspiration that come from new experiences or perspectives.
The Art of Reflective Journaling
The benefits of journaling about daily experiences as a means to unlock creative ideas and overcome content creation hurdles. It doesn't matter in what format you do it. Just start writing something down like it’s a letter to a friend that lives far away, or start talking to the camera imagining you are chatting with your best friend.
We are no different from a clunky gear that needs to be oiled up.
Just start.
The approach to this way of journaling might be messy, without a set or planned goal, but sometimes it's just what we need.
Finding your feet in a dance is done by moving.
After teaching ballet to adults online and in the studio for many years, I discovered that the first reason they are embarrassed to share their emotions is because they are afraid to be judged for “not being good already”.
We all have to start somewhere.
I don’t teach my students the terminology of ballet. It would be too overwhelming and it would reinforce the fact that “the frenchiness of the steps is too complicated’.
This is why I teach them to move, to find comfort in what their body is already doing in their everyday life.
Just move, follow the music and enjoy the process.
Only like this, you find what your body is truly capable of and also what it needs to improve its performance.
Our creativity and inspiration are the same.
Just writing from your heart or chatting to the camera might not be the best piece of content ever created.
But I’m sure this technique will give you inspiration and ideas to create something more structured, to help your people and grow your online community with content that is genuine, human and comes from your heart.
This is where I share my approach to “just chatting” in front of the camera even if you are absolutely terrified by that weird glass eye
Actionable Tips:
- Start your day or creative session by journaling without a specific goal in mind. Treat it as a conversation with a distant friend or a candid chat with your camera.
- Embrace the messiness of your thoughts. This unfiltered expression can unlock new ideas and perspectives, fueling your content creation.
Just as a dancer finds their feet by moving, a content creator can ignite their inspiration by engaging with their environment, experimenting with new routines, and embracing the beauty of spontaneous creativity.
By adopting and experimenting with these strategies, you can transform the challenge of content creation into an opportunity to connect more deeply with your audience, sharing stories and insights that resonate and inspire.
Remember, the journey of creativity is not about waiting for the perfect moment but about creating a multitude of moments that bring your unique vision to life.
Enjoy every step, embrace the messiness and have fun creating your unique content. People will love you because you are you.
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